What is life?
It is difficult to define life and what is so special about life. The traditional descriptions of life are in disarray. In order to gain a deeper understanding of life, researchers are moving into biosemiotics, which is about forming and deciphering signs. Thus, DNA is not just a code for the life of an organism, but the organism or individual cell itself contributes to how it decodes the meaning of the DNA it contains. Where is it that we find the soul of life? This program attempts to give an answer.
The program was recorded in November 2015 and is being re-published in connection with the recent passing of internationally renowned biosemiotic Jesper Hoffmeyer. The program was produced by Science Journalist Jens Degett (in Danish).
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The biochemist, science philosopher and writer Jesper Hoffmeyer died on September 25, 2019 after a short illness. Jesper Hoffmeyer was Professor Emeritus at the University of Copenhagen Institute of Biology, and a leading figure in the field of biosemiotics. He was, together with Claus Emmeche, the first to draw attention to biosemiotics in Denmark. For the past 40 years, Jesper Hoffmeyer has written and debated complex biological and societal aspects. His research in biosemiotics is world-renown.