About Science Stories
What is Science Stories?
Science Stories is a platform for disseminating evidence-based science stories to inspire and increase interest in science. We want to make science a bigger part of public culture and increase its status in society. Science Stories is independent and not subject to external political or commercial interests.
We have gathered a group of Denmark's best and most experienced science journalists and communicators, who all share an ambition to create a media platform for science and research. Our communication is based on curiosity and fascination, but we can also be critical. We do not do PR for science but strive to understand the fundamental knowledge and put it in perspective.
Our programs and media products can be a natural supplement to teaching materials that are traditionally more duty-based and may be outdated in light of the rapid development within the scientific subjects. We strive to create journalistic products that spread themselves via social media. Together, we have more than 200 years of experience in communicating science.
Whether it's about health, energy, or social media, insight into and understanding of science and technology is absolutely crucial to being able to navigate and act, and solve the problems and challenges we face both nationally and globally. Our core value is to share knowledge so that citizens can gain better insight and knowledge to make informed choices.
Importance of critical knowledge
Can we become ignorant with abundant knowledge? Yes, clearly, if we are bombarded with knowledge without coherence and perspective, knowledge that does not ask critical questions or gives us a greater understanding of the topic.
The media has been in crisis for a number of years, which means that traditional media have fewer resources for journalism today, rely heavily on support and dissemination material produced by stakeholders. At the same time, there is a growing tendency for large groups in society, such as young people, to choose alternative, new digital media without editorial filtering rather than traditional media. The quality and credibility of the science communication is threatened, which has led scientists and science journalists to find their role in the new media world with changing conditions and new media. As the phenomenon is international, there is reason to have an international frame of reference for development and inspiration, where you can draw on experiences and get inspiration from many countries.
Changes in the media picture also bring new opportunities. It is easier to share knowledge both locally and globally, and contacts and sources can be brought into play by simple means. This can contribute to a more nuanced and broader understanding of research and science.
Dialogue and building knowledge communities
Our long-term goal is to build a closer contact with the users of the platform and create a community for dialogue and debate on science. We support citizen science projects, and seek to collaborate with other organizations such as Astra, the Danish Society for Nature Conservation, museums or universities to mobilize citizen participation. As part of our vision for creating dialogue, we have formed an Innovation Board, which consists of people with knowledge and interest in communicating knowledge in society.
We will strive to engage in dialogue with researchers and the general public on topics that are relevant to society or that are important in the public debate. It is also our intention to facilitate meetings between stakeholders with different views on evidence-based issues. Our efforts to start dialogues and create knowledge sharing forums will depend on continued support from foundations, partners and private contributors.
Obstacles are anticipated in relation to physical encounters with many people due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. We will seek opportunities for virtual meetings and more direct debate on social media.
You can follow Science Stories on: Apple Podcast, Spotify, Spreaker, Google Podcasts, Podimo, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Science Stories thanks DM for supporting a podcast collection.

Science Stories would like to thank the Novo Nordisk Foundation for the generous core support received in grant NNF18OC0053583 for the creation of the platform.

Science Stories would like to thank dk4dab for their support broadcasting our stories every Sunday from January 2020 until July 2022.

Science Stories would like to thank Teknologipagten for supporting the marketing of our project "Research told by women", that consists of promoting interviews with women on social media in the period of September 2021 to March 2022.