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Picture of a cell with colours
Isabel Romero Calvo/EMBL
The path of a migrating neutrophil-like cell, with the cell membrane at the leading edge marked in purple and the curvature-sensing Snx33 protein visible in green.

Shape, stiffness and tension are important for understanding your body

Researchers at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, are taking the understanding of cell biology to a new level. Research group leader Alba Diz-Muñoz explains how shape or form, stiffness, rigidity, architecture and tension can make a big difference in your body’s reaction to physiology and disease.

It is not only hormone signals, DNA and biochemistry which determine the fate of a cell, an organ, or the whole body. Mechanical parameters have to be taken into consideration to understand why cells react to the environment as they do.

Science Journalist Jens Degett is interviewing Alba Diz-Muñoz from the EMBL laboratory in Heidelberg.

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This podcast is supported by a Maria Leptin / EMBO Science Journalism Fellowship.